
SLEEP INDEED DOES WONDERS. This morning, I woke up feeling pretty wretched. I don't know why, but I kept praying that it would go away. I didn't have any afternoon class today, and I just felt like resting. Plus, my philo class was really a non-existent one, thanks to my "prof" who feels like a student that was 5 years too late.

But I still had to drag myself to school because this particular teacher doesn't give any warnings as to when he would not feel like showing up, and I figured we would have to catch up since March is just around the corner and we HAVEN'T DISCUSSED ANYTHING YET. So there, I went.

My efforts were wasted. For the nth time he didn't show up. Another wasted morning. I should have just stayed home.

So, what's the relation to sleep? Anyway, I was really feeling crummy and all. Irate was written all over my face. There are tons of work to be done and there I was wasting my time and all, so I just decided to go home. It was the first time I went home with the sun really high up since this year started, so it was, in a way, accomplishment.

And I had siesta for the first time since Christmas vacation.


Well, after I woke up, the work was still there, but I felt a whole lot better. I feel way more positive right now. And I could think more clearly.

I hope I could have this luxury more often.

Are you sleep deprived?