
Happy New Year everyone! I know, I know, my blog's been on a hiatus but I'm going to do my best to update it. Besides, it's a new year and this is usually the time when everything's fresh and I feel like starting over or something.

First things first: make a goal list for 2007. Call it New Year's Resolutions if you like but it's not really about what I want to change myself but rather the things I want to achieve in this year. There's a difference right?=);; I'd like to share some of these goals with you. Who knows, you might even help me achieve it! *wink wink*

1. Pay PTR, IAPOA (wow. i'm going to do this for the first time this year.)
2. Finish bed debt
3. Open time deposit

1. Upgrade computer
2. Buy a bike
3. Complete Harry Potter series – around June – Book 7!!!
4. Get an organizer/clearbook to store important documents
5. List down everyone’s bdays (and remember to greet them) and buy early Christmas and Birthday presents
6. Buy a shoe rack extension
7. Buy my standard photo albums

1. Travel to Brunei-Singapore-Malaysia – end of October/end of Ramadan

1. Finish the project I'm currently working on (but I think this would take more than a year, hehehe)
2. Learn Maya
3. Update portfolio
5. Get more substantial sidelines

1. Claim my Starbucks planner (and write everything in here on that planner)
2. Settle an org issue
3. Give batch donation to former college
4. Have a haircut
5. Choose (finally) a UAP chapter
6. Spend more time in prayer
7. Stick to a budget!
8. Pamper oneself more often – pedicure anyone?
9. Develop pics! –
10. Read more books – ehem, HP and the Theories book.
11. Drink vitamins!
12. Drink more milk!

Speaking of goals, I've got one goal down - I've claimed my Starbucks planner last Wednesday.
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Why am I excited? Well, I just feel positive about this year and I'm really looking forward to writing these grand schemes for the year on something really nice.=)