
TURNING 21. Well, nothing really exciting today, except that I decided to push all my concerns aside and enjoy myself for the moment. List all the things I want to do for today or the rest of my life. Search all the sites that I want. Write damn blogs and just about anything off my head! I've always wanted to learn more about far away places...like Malta! Tunisia. Har har, maybe even someday go there myself.

I guess now that I'm of age, I want to start by figuring out how to make my dreams a reality. Like traveling. Or opening up a business. Well, I think I could start just about anything...well, things that include only 'I' for the moment. I'm twenty one. In a just a year, I'm about to leave college, and enter the rat race. But more than that, my life wouldn't be restricted to just attending school. I could pursue architecture, or open up a business, or travel. Try my luck in different companies, and find out where I truly belong. Or marry...har har.

And to think just yesterday I was moping to a friend how I felt so unsettled lately.

But I don't feel that way anymore. I guess it's just giving ample time to oneself. Recently I have been so bogged down by responsibilities that I felt so down. But now...I feel that the possibilities are endless.