
“God bless Mother Nature
She’s a single woman too.
She took on the heavens
And she did what she had to do.
She talked every angel
To rearrange the sky
So that each and every woman
Could find the perfect guy…..

…It’s raining men.”

How I wish.

Today was a relatively slow day in the office. Two of my lunch buddies, Marvin and Christian were absent. Only Lorraine and I were left eating our usual lunch – sandwich for me, tee hee.:)

I have to admit, today was a boring day. I didn’t do much today except file past RFAs (Request for Approval), RFIs (Request for Information), transmittals and like documents. The chore was okay for some time, but after a while of sorting through my boss’ terribly messed up files and bearing with the near freezing temperature without any sort of coat made me wish I was in the other room editing some plan.

I did get to edit some, after my boss came back from his weekly site visit/meeting from Alabang. In fact, I was listening to Geri the whole time while I was working on it.

I can’t help it. This song kept me from falling asleep. I highly recommend it….the song always manages to release the inner diva in me.=)

Day in and day out, life seems pretty much the same. I somewhat miss school. At least in school there’s always something to look forward to, something to learn each day, something different every day. Work…well, after a while of trying to differentiate one type of door knob from another kind of takes its toll from you.

I do appreciate the people at work, especially my boss and another senior architect in the office, Sir Jun. They’re not only the type to give me unsolicited lectures on materials and details of drafting, they rather encourage me to always do some self-study on whatever I could grab – whether a brochure, a book from the lib, or plans of previous projects. It is through them that I have realized what a wealth of information I have within my fingertips – it is up to me to decide whether to absorb this or not.

I look forward to weekends, despite the fact that I still see Saturday as an errand day rather as gimik day. At least I get to catch up with friends from school, and I get to be more myself.

Speaking of which, I would finally start on my long-overdue project to get some exercise! This Saturday, Celine and I would go swimming. Hehe, I’m excited!