
RAMBLINGS. Summer is really over – I have spent the last two days and the whole of last week helping out with my college’s registration committee. It was really no bother. I and my batchmates would finally say goodbye to ARC, and this would be our last semester with the group. Sniff, sniff. It does feel sad to be leaving something I’ve been doing for the last four years.

Between helping out with the registration committee, fretting over thesis, and trying to get home really early to catch ‘Meteor Garden’, I never really got to notice that summer just ended. My final summer. (Geez, I should stop with this poetic act.) Anyway, it was probably just as well since I really need to get back to the groove of things.

But the thing with summer is…well, I don’t really know. I don’t know if my confusion about things in general is related to summer or…I just feel like I’m facing a fork in my life. My stomach is in knots. And I don’t want to blame this entirely on thesis. Anyway, I’m not even sure if this is about thesis. But, for the first time in my stay in college, I am actually not excited about the upcoming semester. I feel dreadful about it. And I don’t think I could pinpoint it on one thing. There are times that I feel sure about things, and there are times I feel like I walking on the edge of a plank.

Or maybe I’m just experiencing a case of pre-fifth year jitters. If there ever was such a thing.

On the lighter side of things, I finally got all the subjects that I want, including this elective I have been wanting to take. I’m excited about IT 100; it’s about creating websites and learning html. Finally! For ages I’ve been wanting to do something really funky with this blog, but…hehe. My VERY limited html skills (actually zilch) has restricted me to this very, uh, ordinary website. But that would soon change! I want to merge what I have been doing with Photoshop and Flash and create something really cool.

I’m also happy to note that my sweet basil plants are growing fast, thanks to the rain that’s been pouring down lately. Hehe, I am not exactly the world’s greatest gardener, and I am pretty much encouraged by the fact that my herbs lasted through the summer and are thriving well now, during the rainy season. Yahoo! I would definitely ask how to replant them so I could have more basil seedlings.