
ONE OF THOSE RARE NIGHTS. Today is one of those nights that would be something to remember for years. I actually spent the night at my cousin's house in Manila. Being here feels like being back in my old boarding house - I am surrounded again with so many people. I usually never get the chance to stay here because my mom has something against me burdening other people with my stay. Exceptions are overnights for plates (basically comprising 98% of my overnights) at Joyce's place.

Anyway, I am here because I brought the entire 19 episodes of the 'Meteor Garden' series, and my cousins, being the more serious 'Meteor Garden' fans, are currently watching the 15th episode - hehe, marathon. Never mind that we can't understand a single word! Since I have the privilege of watching those episodes at home, I am taking a break.

As much as I hate to admit it, we are bonded mainly because of four guys strutting their stuff on a soap opera. But you know what? Even if I don't have to look at their (referring to the guys) faces for the whole night, I am really glad to be here. I am glad to see my cousins. I only get to see them during some other cousin's birthday, Christmas, and New Year. I am finally able to catch up with the latest in my cousins' lovelives, interests, etc. And to be surrounded by family! Cool. Usually, I never really feel bothered by the fact that I am the only one keeping myself company, but rare times like this make me realize that sometimes, a little bit of intrusion can be welcoming for a change.

Well, I just want to share that. I'll have to spend the rest of the night following the travails of these characters with my cousins.


And oh. Since I'm still online, I just want to share that I've read my friend's blogs and I just want to congratulate Victor on passing the Ateneo law exams. Cool! Good luck on your first day in Ateneo.=D