
Blogging on a lazy Sunday morning.

Hehe...times are changing. I used to update this blog every week, when I went out more often and I had more trivial things on my mind to write about. Well, anyway, I guess I'm semi-happy now - won't share why my day (well, yesterday) didn't start so great, but I'm willing to share that my mood lifted when mr. contractor came to our house and checked out what needs to be done with our existing lanai. That got me excited. Ever since July we've been planning to renovate our lanai and add another bathroom, but things always got in the way. For me at least - my mom always bugs me to finish it but I never got around to finishing it.

So finally, I convinced my mom to hire a contractor instead of merely getting a foreman to do everything for her. Yehey. She relented. Mr. Contractor came to the house Saturday afternoon. He seems nice enough. He even suggested I put a door from my bedroom leading to the proposed bathroom. (Yehey.) Ayan...instant personal bathroom ko na ang dapat bathroom ng lanai.

But seriously, I'm happy because at least meeting Mr. Contractor is the first solid step towards realizing our pet project. Yun lang. I hope everything would push through in the next couple of weeks.

I'll post some of my recent fave pics with some of my fave people around:

#1 With best friend Joyce with the Oblation in the background

#2 With Joyce and Risha at Firefighters in Libis

#3 Looking goofy with Edward, Taal crater

#4 That's just me with the Calaruega chapel as backdrop, period.

#5 The KMJSEV gang minus the K and the S, at the top of the crater.