
THE DEAL WITH MY NAME. I just got it off one of my emails...hmmm, I can't agree with the part about the sex, but who knows. (Hehe.)
Does your name begin with: M
You may appear innocent, unassuming and shy; but we
know that
Appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no
novice but something of a
skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes,
though, running the
gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole
idea of love. You
can be highly critical of you mate, seeking perfection
in both of you.
It is not easy to find someone who can meet your
standards. You have
difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to
lovers. You are often
selfish, thinking you are always right no matter what.
You never give
in. Winning is your prime desire- at any cost. You
often forget friends
and family and you live for the moment.


I should have stayed at arki for another night (I haven't been home for two consecutive nights trying to catch up on acads.) but we weren't able to have our permit signed by the dean...malas talaga. Tonight should have been a productive night. We were supposed to continue our (painstaking) work for our models for design but we were halted. We stopped before we even began. This is it. The start of the end. The beginning of doom.

Or maybe its a blessing in disguise. After all, it has been two nights.

And I can't wait to show the people at home my new haircut. It's a rehash of the old high school haircut - short and layered. Oh well. Now I won't be mistaken for a freshman highschool student again.=D


Why do I feel suffocated all of a sudden?

(Maybe I ought to announce to everyone that this is a monthly journal.)

After org activities left and right, all of a sudden projects and plates loom before me. Yung pinapagawa ni Sir Dytoc...dati ok talaga kasi challenging, eh ngayon...Eh. I don't want to complain kasi I knew from the beginning that taking on acoustics for research is such an undertaking, pero... Oh well. I just have to deal with it.

I want to watch a movie. Darn.

I don't make sense in this entry. Another darn.

I ought to really update on the PC purchase thing...I need to learn 3D Viz! Yahoo.=(