
I haven't blogged lately, and I must have lost the touch...groan.

It's all the researching I've been doing lately...another groan.

Anyway, I just watched Josh Hartnett's 40 Days and 40 Nights, and man!!! It was totally hilarious!!!
(Even Ma thought so too.) I couldn't get over some scenes, like Josh hugging those diskettes for his dear life! And Josh actually likening himself to Christ (of all gods!) doing the ultimate sacrifice by handcuffing himself to his bed (and doing this pose that makes him look like he was crucified) -- kinda blasphemous, don't you think? But really, really funny.

But the biggest laugh I had was over the thought that men think about sex all the time. I mean...I know it's kinda cliche and all, but actually seeing the world from in that kind of 'rehab' state..gives me the creeps. Geez, men are such losers. I wonder why women still fall for them?!?


Not much to do-research, research, and more research. It's getting harder and harder to look for Egyptian collections/exhibits on the net. Bummer.


Being around kids - I visited Brian today at his Vacation Daily Bible Summer Class (he teaches young kids about the Bible), and it's good to see him again after some weeks. I didn't get to see him on his graduation, and I'm happy that we saw each other again.

I saw his class for the first time, and wow. It was something else to be with kids. Maybe it's me. I'm probably not used to be around so many kids, at least kids who are younger than I am. Are we really that naughty and mischievous as kids? I certainly didn't see angels at first when I saw Brian's wards, but I guess kids are really kids.
I guess it's just amazing how kids pack in so much energy - they just can't seem to sit still.

It makes me wonder - what would I do if I were in Brian's place? How would I make them listen to me? Wow. Whoever has the ability to make kids listen to them must
have amazing...powers. And I mean that in the truest sense of the word.


Life Questions - Last night, I had again one of my insomnia attacks, something
that I'm not really too happy about since it just encourages me to sleep the
rest of the day. Anyway, I kept tossing and turning about, though that wasn't
the only thing that kept me awake. The whole time, my mind was wandering, going
through many questions that concern mainly my existence.

(Just so you know, I've read an article in Inquirer's Youngblood about a woman
trying to go through life questions in her sleep, so basically I'm aping the theme
of her article.)

Back to my musings. I guess there were a lot, starting from "Oh, those-good-
'ol-days" thoughts to "what-if" questions. For one thing, I remembered how
my life was three years ago, and one of the most vivid thoughts I could
remember was those times Kim, Soo Yeon and I doing our 'infommercial' to 'sell'
our science investigatory project, which was a can opener. We did it just
like one of those home shopping guides - complete with random surveys,
interviews, demos, 'audience' participation, and a feature on the conveniences
one could get from owning a can opener... (To my former groupmates - do
you remember when we stored the can opener under the bed just like one of
those exercise machines?)

Man, it really seems like eons ago! It was a time when everything we did was just for fun,
and we had cool teachers like Sir Padlan who was good-natured enough to accept
our little home video as our 'defense'. It was a story I'd always tell my
friends in college, and brag about how 'innovative' we are...of course, I don't
really think our professors would really appreciate that kind of presentation
if we were to present our proposals for parks, hospitals and the like. But hey.
We were kids back then. We were allowed to kid around.

Then, to the what-ifs. Well, maybe not really what-ifs, but more of the whys?
Why haven't I met...the one? Why do I sometimes feel like a 14-year-old trapped in a
20-year-old mind, and sometimes an old lady pretending to be a 20-year-old?
It's just so conflicting, the way I think and the way I feel. Perfect example
would be my love life - geez, I feel like a manang for dismissing the notion of
having a boyfriend as something morally damaging (or something close to that) and
yet I long for one...I think. It's stupid! I can't even bear to put that in

Anyway, I guess I do know enough to realize that getting involved with someone is
not the smartest thing to do right now, not when I'm getting so deep into
the whole I'm-gonna-be-an-architect thing. But I feel otherwise, especially
when one of your gay buds tell you that he already has a boyfriend...Aaarrrgghhh!!!
It makes me wonder -- am I not friendly enough? smart enough? flirtatious enough?
gullible enough? stupid enough? (I'm sorry, I let my sarcasm get the best of me.)
The guy I used to like (fine, he was my ex) told me I shouldn't change because
my qualities are what make(?) me appealing and beautiful to others, and it is
because of those qualities that made him fall in love with me. But heck. I know he's
my friend and I'm deeply touched by his concern, but I find it ironic that the
one guy who actually hails my outstanding traits is the same guy who dumped me.
It makes me wonder what is really wrong with the picture.

I also wonder about my future thesis topic. I chatted with a friend who's
one batch higher than me, and she told me that she and her groupmates still don't
have a topic, though she assured me that their study is going to be a
research-based one and not project-based. They still have no clue about what
they are going to tackle, though ideas like producing an all-in-one tech pen (from
.01 to .1) have been brought up. (That was a joke!) Anyway, I have only
one year left before thesis, and I guess its never too early to think of
a topic - after all, if I'm unfortunate enough in my career, my thesis topic
might prove to be best work ever.

And of course, I ponder about God's goodness. He always manages to pull one on
me, making things happen in my life that I never expected to. Sure, I've had
bad times. I suffered from family problems, society's pressures, bad hair days
and heartbreak. But I also met good people and made great friends along the way. I've seen different
places (Europe is still fresh in my memory) and experienced challenging situations.
(arkistry? design exhibit?)

Of course, my life is far from perfect. I guess what I'm just driving at is that
God is good, and one can only see that by looking at things in a positive way.

I guess right now I'm praying that God would help me get more sleep at night.


It's been a while since I last blogged in. Nothing really serious
happened over the last few days. It's just that I got caught up in
between research work and well, sleep. I just couldn't get enough
of sleep lately -- man, I really should condition myself to sleep on
time! I can't really do away with sleeping the whole day away once
school starts. Sigh, summer. This has got to be my best summer while
in college - I actually experience summer BREAK instead of summer

More on the lazy summer days. Over the days I wasn't able to blog, I
managed to catch Star Wars' Episode II in the theaters. I wasn't
able to watch it on its first day, but it was okay. The theaters
weren't as crowded as I thought, and I really believed that the
movie would pack the theaters...oh well, win some, lose some.
Yoda rocks! That scene was just way cool! I guess it just elicited
amusement in the audience - I mean, we all know Yoda is the master
of the Jedis, but the element of disbelief was just broken with Yoda
wielding a light saber...I just had to laugh!=)

And Yoda has this way of speaking in riddles, or in verses, when all
he really does is to invert the order of prepositions and subjects
in his lines! Consider this:
"Begun, the clone wars has..."
"Until caught this killer is, our judgement she must respect...."

And Natalie Portman...(geez, to my guy friends - give me a break!) She
is surely my definition of 'startingly beautiful'. Natalie's
thespic abilities weren't really put to the test in this movie,
given that all she had to do was to run away with Anakin and look good (in her
case, otherworldly good) doing it. Oh well. It's too bad that
sparks didn't fly between Anakin and Padme, but at least they were
good visual eye candy to the viewers....
Anyway, I liked the second installment of the prequel trilogy, though I think
it's rather best that I leave further analysis of the movie to the


On a more serious subject, it's alarming how high temperatures are
rising these days. I read an article in the newspaper about the
author swapping stories with other journalists from Asian countries in
recent summit, and all complained how hot it is in their countries,
with some expressing fear over the imminent shortage of crops in
the dry spell. And all of those deaths in India because of the heat wave.
I realize that despite the prevailing heat, most of the people living in
the city have become so used to it that to complain about the heat
is already something of a greeting, or an ice-breaker, much like
asking about the time or some other run-of-the-mill opener.

But the ongoing heat wave is really something to worry about. On a
more personal level, I just feel like an ice cube about to melt away
in the heat of the sun. Even more unbearable is the humidity -- imagine
how'd you feel waking up everyday in the morning feeling all sweaty
and sticky? And you haven't done anything yet! Major ick.

Anyway, I feel that I should do my part in lowering these temperatures, but
how? It's so rooted in a much deeper problem that needs all of our
participation. How do you beginning cleaning up the environment when
most people are too preoccupied with other concerns?

I could think of cliche answers, but no real solutions.

Just some food for thought.


Ok. I'll try this hyperlink. It's really too bad I'm totally clueluess about html.

Kissing Kirsten Dunst.

Karma effect -I checked the advising schedule for the freshmen earlier (I'm in school right now) ; I was supposed to man the info booth for the registration of the freshies, and to my horror advising was scheduled yesterday! Yesterday, the same time I was gushing over Spiderman!I kept thinking the advising was for Wednesday.............groan...........=( That's it. That's karma for.........never mind. This is so bad. Now I'm forgetting my responsibilities.

I hate it when that happens.


What Flavour Are You? Hmmm... Tastes like Chicken.Hmmm... Tastes like Chicken.

Am I chicken? Am I a frog? Am I human? All unfamiliar meats taste like chicken, and that's what I am, an unfamiliar meat.

Who am I?

Shucks, it's obvious I got bitten by the Spider craze. (pun intended) Anyway, it took me just now to watch the movie version of the famous comic book series. It wasn't really bad, though it left me wishing I had a life as exciting as Peter Parker's and a body as voluptous as Kirsten Dunst's. Seriously, I think it was more developed than the Batman series in terms of story telling.

At least I was able to watch it before 05.16.02.

I'm excited to see Episode II ..............!


I realized something last night.

I do miss the Spice Girls.


Anyway, what I said was true. I do miss the Spice Girls. Last night, I saw their video 'Holler' for the first time in like, what, two years? And anyway, I really liked how they blended in that song. And it reminded me of their other songs, especially 'Viva Forever'. I liked that song the best 'coz it was really poetic compared to their other bubble-gum pop songs. I liked the video, even though it made me quizzical in the first place. I think it took me quite some time to realize that the video really says a lot about the song. Aside from that, the reminds me of a more idyllic time in life - high school.

Yuck. High school. Not that I hate my high school and the memories that go with it, but I really hate to launch another I-miss-my-high-school-days speech. Move on!


How do you make use of the other windows in this blogspot?!? Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing much going on in my life nowadays, except digging up (pun intended) more info about Egyptian artifacts. Like I said before, it wasn't easy as I thought it would be.

We just finished with the freshmen's orientation earlier, and sigh. Brought me back to those days when I was still a fumbling greenhorn in UP. Another sigh. I thought I could actually walk from the UP Press to the 5th floor of the Eng'g building. I think my blockmates just dismissed me as a disgrace to our block upon seeing me all sweaty and flabbergasted why there wasn't any jeepney going from that place to our building. I really hope the freshies would know better.

Or I should put my senior status in arki in motion. Hehe...


Sigh. I should have saved everything I downloaded directly to a diskette because it takes about forever to transfer stuff from hard disk to diskette. =P

A TFA anecdote:
We were talking about our fellow TFA alumni and their experiences as apprentices to our teachers' firms. One of them, whose name was Jeff, recounted his experience with Cathy Nolido, Sir Nolido's wife. He was working for her when he told the others about this. He was in a taxi with Mrs. Nolido when she suddenly made the taxi driver stop at Quickly's, one of those pearl shakes store. "Tara, mag-Quickly tayo!" was her invitation to Jeff. The latter looked at her in horror, as if he couldn't believe what he heard. And then he saw the signage of Quickly's. Go figure.


I accepted a research job that doubles as apprenticeship yesterday. The architect I'm working for (I still don't know her entire name) was planning to join a contest about designing egyptian museums, and together with Kay-anne and Ma'am Celine, we would be her research team. I thought it was piece of cake researching on egyptian tombs and body parts, but heck. Internet just provides too much info! Oh well, I'll be the judge of that after I find whatever surviving artifact there is from the 1st and 2nd dynasties!=)d


it's been nearly a month since I posted ANYTHING in here - I definitely need to dust cobwebs of sorts. A lot has happened in the last 3 weeks since I posted my first blog (?) - thank goodness I do update my true journal more often than this site!

I came back last week from Europe, and I still need to pinch myself from time to time (well, maybe that's exaggerating) to make sure that everything I saw wasn't just conjured up by my wild imagination further aggravated by the heat! Or closer to reality, I look at the pictures, especially the ones I shot at random. (Well, at least those shots make sure I just didn't cut my picture and posted it on a believable background or something.)

Anyway, I think I saw a lot in the two weeks that I've stayed there. I saw some of the places I previously just learned from Sir Ozaeta's class, like the Louvre, Gustav Eiffel's tower, St. Peter's Basilica (with Bernini's colonnade and baldachino), the Cologne Cathedral, the Colosseum. My visit gave me a glimpse of Parisian boulevards and the way previous Parisian architects designed their cities. I saw how they veered away from the grid pattern and employed a web-like maze of streets and alleys to highlight symbols of power and prestige in the city - for example, one can see the Arc de Triomphe clearly from several streets, including the famous Champs-Elysees. The landmark is a diverging point for these streets, and this pattern occurs with other Parisian monuments. And I guess you can't walk a couple of blocks without seeing yet one of those monuments in site.

Another city famed for its monuments (or rubble, depending on one point's of view) was Rome. I was able to visit the famed church, St. Peter's Basilica, the Trevi fountain and also some of the ruins of Roman baths, aqueducts, temples, forums, and of course, the Colosseum. But my stay there wasn't really that long enough for me to experience the place. Sayang, as our visit there was the last in our itinerary and supposedly the crowning glory of the 16 days we were on tour. There were other places I also wanted to see like the Sistine Chapel and those flights of steps I saw in Audrey Hepburn's 'Roman Holiday'.

Seeing those buildings I just saw in books thrilled me to the core, but the really, really fun part of the whole trip was those things I really didn't expect to experience on our stay. In Amsterdam, I saw lots of trees with brown leaves (I can see you rolling eyes over something un-poetic as brown leaves) dotting the landscape, and a creek with tumbleweeds growing at its banks, and mallards racing to the edge. It was something out of a Rembrandt painting. They also had quaint apartments there, narrow buildings in shades of brown and red, with white trimmings, and at the top were hooks to hoist furniture that can't fit through the narrow entrances. They had canals everywhere, and boathouses too. Tulips just seem to thrive anywhere. And of course, I also saw what Netherlands is known for - windmills.

In contrast to the marshy plots of the Netherlands were the hilly and mountainous terrain of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. We never stayed too long in the cities of those countries we visited, just a day and a night's rest each. As soon as we ate our meal, spent the night there, or saw the city's attraction, we were usually on our way to the next city. I guess it was okay, because most of the places we visited in those cities were rather provincial and so there's nothing much to gawk at, except maybe, those houses in Heidelburg, Germany that reminded me of those villages in the Lord of the Rings. Anyway, the long trips afforded me glimpses of the countryside, of forests, valleys, ranges, snow-capped peaks, lakes, hills, fog and plains that almost seemed like a striped carpet covered them, as strips of fields in various shades of green and brown could be seen as far as the eye could see.

I mentioned Rome earlier, but before we got there we were in Venice and Florence first. We got to see this square, Piazza San Marco, which had pigeons nearly equaling the tourists in number and some parts of Venice while we were on a gondola. I liked the place, though I acknowledge that fact that it's expensive to do anything there, even go to the WC or simply seating down! One of the guys on our trip ordered a coke and sat on one of the chairs that were put outside by a restaurant, near the stage where the musicians played, and his 4-euro coke quickly became 11, as he was actually charged for the ambiance of seating there!

I guess there are a lot of other things that I need to include in this journal, including Fabio's (our Italian coachdriver) way of greeting the people upon entering the toll gate. (We call it "the kiss-kiss system" as Fabio made kissing sounds. He jokingly remarked that no one could resist his kiss!) But I need to stop this and get back to reality!