
The Week that Was.

I’m currently in between coming up with more schemes for our additional T&B, relearning how to use CAD, and thinking how to improve my and anna’s English lesson board.

I guess I just want to share that I had a great week. For weeks months I’ve been complaining I feel underutilized and undertrained (is there such a word?) in the firm… well. I’ve decided to do something about this.

I went to my first job interview after entering the firm I’m currently working for. It felt good to see a good college friend, Betty, after all this time, and it was refreshing to be in another office -- a far MORE organized place than our own. Anyway, two people from that office interviewed me – one was a lady architect from the interior division, and two was the principal architect himself. They were nice enough, although the big boss was a bit intimidating, truly a no-nonsense guy. Hee…I guess that was just part of the routine interview.

You know what? I liked everything about that interview. And the job. For a novice like me, it seems too good to be true. I’ve always wanted to handle details all by myself, and being in their interior (design) division should give me that opportunity. Betty even texted me saying that their boss liked me because he feels I can pick up things fast enough. He just wasn’t sure about the one month leeway I asked for – the necessary time I need to get out from my current work.

But as I left their office, well… a part of me just felt reluctant to give up what I have at the present despite all my frustrations over it. Am I just expecting too much too soon? Am I just reluctant to adjust to the new setting? Am I intimidated by the kind of work they do there? Probably. Or maybe, at the back of my head I’ve assessed my ‘market value’, as my honey puts it, and decided that I need to gain more before I decide to ‘sell’ my skills and experience.

After seven months of being an employee in the office, I used CAD in the office to draw some details -- FOR THE FIRST TIME. Well…previously, my main use for CAD was just to print some details my boss needed for reference. But that was just it. How did this happen? Around a week or two ago, my ever concerned honey brought up some of my work-related issues with a really nice lady senior staff. In turn, Ma’am A talked to me about it. She told me she understood my feelings about certain things, and she promised she’d try to talk to my boss about it.

Although I know I have to talk to my boss sooner or later, it felt good that at least someone aside from my usual set of friends knows how I really feel about my job. I think about half of it stems from how I feel about my boss. And though there are times that I just feel like throwing in the towel and look for gold mines elsewhere, for some reason I feel rooted in my spot. I don’t know why…

So anyway, back to CAD. Ma’am A decided to ask permission from my boss and her seniors if I could help out in her renovation project after office hours. I couldn’t be happier. For one thing, I realized I don’t know how to draw details properly – I just somehow know the ‘conceptual’ part of it. Another thing, learning the office CAD standard is hard. Although it may seem somehow ‘menial’ to be merely producing drawings, for me it’s still brainwork. Lastly -- I get to work with other people in the office!^^ That is definitely a welcome change.

One of the junior partners in the firm had observed that I always move around looking for a place to settle in, and brought up the matter with my boss. I will be adamant about this: IT’S NOT MY FAULT I’M SUCH A NOMAD IN THE OFFICE. People either need the drafting table I use for my desk, or there’s no computer in the office that I could use solely for my own. Anyway, this particular junior partner insisted to my boss that I be given a space in his department.

So anyway, my boss asked me to clear the junk stuff on the adjacent table beside his own. I had mixed feelings about this – unwilling, because I don’t want to be around my boss, but at the same time relieved and happy because I finally have a place to stay.

So I did make space for my own things. It took me at least half the day clearing stuff. Yipee. Even I was surprised there was actually a lot of room in the department once the area was cleared of all the papers, plans, and samples.

I met up with best friend Armie for supposedly the last time before she leaves for Miami, but for the nth time her flight got delayed for some reason, so she would still be around for another week. She also invited Evita, (cool name, huh?) a friend who works at Forex. My honey followed afterwards after his OT work.

Hmm…it’s secretly a good thing that Armie’s flight got delayed. I guess that should lessen some of the ‘departure stress’ (at least for me) because at least all that expectation of her leaving would really sink in once everyone realizes that, ‘hey…why hasn’t this girl left yet?’ (Well, I hope I made that point.) And at least she and her mom would have a little more QT before she leaves.

Although in a way, I’m prepared. It’s one of those situations wherein that you’ve already accepted where you and your friend’s fate would take each of you. I’ve always known that about Armie’s, even back in grade school.

I let Serendipity, my 2-year-old phone, rest for a while. That dear old phone, which has been my companion during boring MRT rides in my student days and quiet editing days during my first few months in the office, has been taking the brunt of my constant use. Its battery life only lasts for a day now.;__; And its lacks a couple of screws and parts…hehe. You can tell its a very much ‘loved’ phone. Anyway, I’m gonna give Serendipity time to breathe.

I’m using a new phone in place of Serendipity. My mom and I traded phones. I got her Smiley, and she gave me Floom, her phone. I still have a hard time figuring out all of Floom’s features, but I’m getting there. It’s a good thing Floom doesn’t store mp3s – um, if ever she’ll be a very much used phone like Serendipity.

I’m just wishing that the new week would just be productive and exciting like last week.^^


At 3:37 a.m., Blogger RT said...

Taz, it was great reading your entry! I think if you get accepted in the other firm or not I think fate is making space for you in your current firm :D (why am i being so anonymous? yung entry mo kasi e =P)

It's not so bad sitting beside your boss. I sit beside our team director too and it isn't so bad. Di naman kami nagpapansinan e, hehehe. But I think having him close by gives me the discipline na di magslack-off. hehe. But he's only in his seat half of the time lang naman e.

well good luck with this week. I also wish that it will be as productive for you! :D

At 5:20 a.m., Blogger super inday said...

i find this post a bit of entertaining... mainly because i know the people involved and i can guess who did what hehehe =p i'm a spy, yes i am. or a detective. the JP you're referring to would be ts? i forgot his middle initial grrr. ah!!! TAS!!! yes? unless AMV is back in the main office already... has ALC been promoted already? or is he still associate? grabe, chika na ito... anyway, i'm glad you got out of the hole you were forced into. and in less than a year, hoooray!!! taking things into your own hands is practically the only way to get anywhere over there. so you did good, girl!!! i'm so proud of you (haha, i have mommy instinct, too) you're lucky AVR is already back at the office... during my time she was at the site, so i had nobody to turn to or to back me up! she's really nice and sweet =) tell her i said hi =) kudos on your "promotion"!!!


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